Usage Tips / Hints

Click the question to reveal the answer, click the question once more to hide.

Print FAQs

How do I show an advertiser more than others?
Ad weighting allows you to manipulate Ad Peep’s probability 
system so that some ads are shown more than others. Ad 
Peeps uses five different weighting options to control ad 
probability; High, Medium-High, Medium, Medium-Low, and 

These settings can be found as the administrator by clicking 
on Edit Ad Settings.

A full detailed explanation can be found in our User Manual at

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Do you have a user manual?
Yes! We have over 60 pages of step-by-step usage instruction 
if needed at

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Does any of my ads get deleted during an upgrade?
No. Ad Peeps retains ALL information, banner ads, settings 
while upgrading. Only an "install" will erase your current data 
in the tables so be sure to select the correct option when 
running the upgrade/install program.

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How to Determine Your Ad Peeps Version
To determine which version of Ad Peeps you can always view 
the version.txt file in your /adpeeps directory. In addition, Ad 
Peeps displays the current version on the ‘Administrator Login 

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How do I move my Ad Peeps Installation to a Different Web 
In may be necessary to copy your Ad Peeps software to a 
new web host. 

You will need FTP access to both old and new web host and 
PHPMYADMIN access on the new web host.

1. Download old Ad Peeps files from old FTP server including 
the uploaded_banners folder (contains uploaded images) and 
re-upload onto your new webhost in same directory structure.
This will put the software files on the new web server.

2. Create a new database on your new web host.

3. From Ad Peeps, Login As Administrator > Other Features / 
Settings > Perform System Maintenance. 

Scroll down to the Backup section. Highlight ALL the pre-
selected Tables and click Create Backup File

4. Click Create Backup File and save file to a location on your 
harddrive… ie Desktop

5. Now login to your database you created in Step 2 using 

Select the Database Name on the left.

Click the Import Tab and Import the Backup you saved 
earlier from the file you saved.

NOTE:NOTE: If your file is too large to upload, you will need 
to backup a few tables at a time, not all of them and import 

6. Modify the mysqlauth.php on the new web server. It will 
most likely contain mysql database information from the old 
web host and should be adjusted to point to your new 
database on your new web host.

Your ads should now be appearing on your new web host.

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How do we implement a cachebuster on a Javascript banner?
Ad Peeps rich-media ads can implement cache bursting techniques.

In the rich-media field, insert <rand> where you
would like
the cache bursting code to be inserted.

Ad Peeps will insert a random number in this place each time
the ad code is called.

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How-to Change Language in Ad Peeps?
Ad Peeps ad management software is built and supported in
the English language however, our customers are from across
the world where English is not the primary first language.
In addition, you may wish to change the wording of some of
the text on various screens.

The following screens currently can be translated into
another language:
1. Login Screen
2. Advertiser Statistics
3. Ad Rates Card
4. Advertiser Statistics
5. Account Information
6. Advertiser Payment History
7. Advertiser Graphs
8. Order Review/Confirmation Screen
9. Advertiser Signup

Review the following guide for step-by-step instructions:

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How-to Guide to Displaying and Tracking Rich-Media/Flash 
Ads as well as properly use the clickTAG
Image advertising varies from standard GIF, JPG, PNG to 
more interactive ad technologies such as Flash,
or rich-media (HTML Ads), Google Ad Sense or Adsense. Ad Peeps can 
handle them all 
however the setup varies.

This guide will illustrate how to configure Rich-Media and/or 
Flash ads using Ad Peeps and is available at

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How do I change my admin password?
When you login as admin, click on Other Features / Settings
> Change Admin Password.

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I lost / forgot my password!
If you have lost or forgot your password, you can reset it
by clicking on the Forgot Password link on the Login screen.
If a password hint was supplied, we will send you the hint
instead. You will then be allowed to reset if you still
don't remember.

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Can we move an ad from one advertiser to another?
Yes. Login as administrator and click "Edit Ad Settings"
next to the ad you want to move. Then, click on the "Other" Tab.

There is a section that says Re-assign/Move to Advertiser.
Select the advertiser you want to move the ad to and the
software will link the ad to that new advertiser.

Click Save All Changes

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Ad Peeps is not tracking clicks!
Ad Peeps automatically records clicks for any standard image
(GIF, JPG, PNG) uploaded to the software or served via
remote URL.

However, rich-media ads, such as Google Ad Sense do not
track clicks because the html code is NOT served by Ad Peeps
and is generated on the 3rd party website.

They have full control over the the linkback url. Ad Peeps
however records the impressions for these types of ads.

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How to load different banners of the same size sequentially,
without duplicates?
Ad Peeps has the ability to show ads in order – meaning
sequentially or in multiple locations without duplicates.
This allows you to have multiple spots on the page without
the same banner showing twice per page load.
There are two possible ways to set this up.

Follow the guild at

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How do I setup an advertiser?
You can refer to our QuickStart Guide at

It is a condensed version of our user Manual located at

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How do I sell advertising on my website?
Ad Peeps allow you to setup advertisers one of two ways. (1) 
Manually, as the administrator and (2) allowing your 
advertisers to setup their own ads.

In order for advertisers to setup their own ads in an 
automated fashion, you will first need to setup a "Price List". 
The Price List defines some common settings that will be pre-
populated for the advertiser such as target zones, ad sizes, 
file size limits etc.

It is here that you also define how much the ad will cost, min. 
quantities, etc.

To access this feature, Login As Admin

In the Main Menu - Quick Navigation click Other Features / 
Settings > Sell Advertising / Setup Price List

On that page you will find the LINK that you would provide to 
your advertisers to view the Ad Packages you setup.

Review Our Guide Here:

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How can I manually add a payment from an advertiser?
Login As Administrator and click "Other Features / Settings
> View Previously Advertising Orders" from the Main Menu.

Here you will see all of the payments received by Ad Peeps
from your advertisers.

You can then click the "Manually Add Payment" link to
manually add and link a payment to an advertiser.

If you would like to software to send the advertiser a link
to setup their own account after manually adding a payment
ensuring the following fields and populated:

1. Ad Package - Select a package from drop down list that
the advertiser ordered
2.  Transaction ID - Enter Transaction ID or Check Number of
another reference number
3. Subscription ID - If available from PayPal
4. Description - Not required but good to identify the
package for reporting
5. Quantity
6.  E-mail Setup Link? Check This box
7. Email Address

Save by clicking the Update Details button.

Ad Peeps will send a link to the advertising to setup their ad.

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How can advertisers renew their ad?
Ad Peeps will notify advertisers that their ad is about to 
expire 10 and 3 days prior to expiration and then finally once 
the ad has expired.

The advertiser can then login to their control panel and (1) 
Reactive the expired ad once it expires or (2) Browse other 
available ad packages (if you have set them up)

In order for an advertiser to get the link to Re-Active the Ad,
they must have an entry in the Payment History Screen.

This is created automatically when the advertiser purchases 
an ad for the first time using Ad Peeps or you can "Manually 
Add Payment" and link the order with the existing Advertiser 
and Ad no.

When they login, the system would then know which package 
the ad is linked to and offer them the opportunity to "Re-
Activate" the ad.

A quick guide is located here:

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How do I change the timezone the software uses?
The timezone setting is maintained in the mysqlauth.php file.
//################### Set Your System TimeZone


Update the value with the variable representing the timezone
you want Ad Peeps to calculate statistics, scheduling based on.

America/New_York = Eastern Standard

America/Los_Angeles =  Pacific Time

America/Denver = Mountain Daylight Time

List can be found at:
//################### Set Your System TimeZone

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In the Ad Rates Page, targeting zones for Advertiser are
pre-selected. Can I overwrite this?
By design, Ad Peeps allows you to “pre-define” the target
zone that an advertiser will be placed in when ordering
advertising. This simplifies the ordering process and
eliminates the ambiguity out of the naming convention. 

For example, you may call a zone on your homepage “HMZ” but
an advertiser wouldn’t necessarily know this means “ Home
Page Zone”. 

For classified software packages however (i.e. you may have hundreds of
categories and sub-categories which would make creating an
Ad Package for each combination impractical.  

Ad Peeps allows you to easily override the target zone in
the Ad Package. This would enable advertisers to visit your
classified site and visit the ad rates page from the page
they want to advertise on. Ad Peeps will then place their
banner in that category/subcategory upon ordering.

Visit for

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Can I sort /show text ads alphabetically?
Yes, Ad Peeps allows you to sort ads based on preselected
columns for example, ad title.

Use the guide located here for setup instructions:

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How to weight ads (Ad Prioritization)
An ad weight, also referred to as ad prioritization is the
ability to display an ad more or less often than other
eligible ads qualified to show.

By default, Ad Peeps will attempt to display ads randomly
but fairly evenly giving no preferential treatment to one
over another. 

Visit for setup

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My ad is not displaying/showing
The following is a guide of things to check if your ads are
not appearing.

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Can we show complimentary (Companion Ads) together?
Yes this is available, visit the guide below for easy setup

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How to Designate Ad As Default Ad
Ad Peeps uses a variety of settings to decide which ads 
qualify to be shown. Some of these include Ad Size, Target 
Zone, Impression or Click limits, etc.

In the event Ad Peeps can't find any eligible ads to show, it 
will use the least restrictive settings and look for any ads that 
are (1) the same size of spot its trying to show AND (2) the 
ad is marked as default.

If available, Ad Peeps will show that ad to your visitor 
instead. The Default Ad concept simply allows you to 
show "something" there instead of a blank spot. Default ads 
are not counted against impressions.  

Some good uses of a Default ad would be to designate 
an "Advertiser Here" banner as a default ad.

To Designate An Ad As "Default Ad"

Edit the Ad Settings of Ad > Other Tab > Click ON next to 
Default Ad


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The onmouseover feature is not working.
Status Bar Scripting--Scripts will no longer be able to set
the status bar text through the window.status and
window.defaultStatus methods by default in the Internet and
Restricted Zones. This helps prevent attackers from
leveraging those methods to spoof the status bar. To revert
to previous behavior and allow scripts to set the status bar
through window.status and window.defaultStatus, follow these

    Open Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, click
Internet Options, and then click the Security tab.
    Click Internet or Restricted sites, and then click the
Custom level button.
    Scroll down to Allow status bar updates via script,
select Enable.
    Click OK until you return to Internet Explorer.

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Do I need to update the html code each time I add/remove an advertiser?
No. Ad HTML is controlled by two factors (1) Ad Size and (2) Target Zone.

Unless you are changing any of those then the html code does not need 
to be generated.

When called Ad Peeps will look for ads matching that size and the target 

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Does Ad Peeps support even ad distribution?
This is done in the HTML Generator. On the HTML Generator
Screen there is an option that says "Ad Grouping" by default
it's off, turn on and use this code.

With Ad Grouping, if the advertiser has more than 1 ad, it
will select 1 randomly and use that one when deciding which
to show compared to other ads.

With this setting off, it would take all the ads and then
decide. Because the advertiser has more ads than other
advertisers they may get an unfair advantage in terms of
impression favor.

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How to keep an ad from rotating?
You can do this by utilizing "target zones". If an ad is the only ad within a 
target zone -- it won't rotate because it has no competition. This is how 
get ads that would otherwise rotate to stay static.

1. Login as Administrator
2. Click "Setup Target Zones"
3. Create a NEW Zone (eg non-rotate)
4. Assign your Ad and only this ad to this new zone
5. Generate the html code

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Can I utilize memcached for caching statistics?
Yes, starting in version 9.1.15 Ad Peeps uses MemCached for the 
following statistics:

1. Statistics Snapshot (Main Screen)
2. Overall Statistics
3. Advertiser Statistics 
4. Ad Statistics 

When enabled, Ad Peeps will download the data from the SQL server and 
cache them up to the number of minutes specified. When users refresh 
the page, they will be served the same statistics from the cache instead 
of rerunning the MYSQL query.

To enable, open mysqlauth.php and add the following variable:

$enable_memcache = 15; // Number of MINUTES to Cache Statistics

If disabled, Ad Peeps will retrieve statistics in real-time. This feature is 
useful on a large database where constant statistics pulls are causing the 
queries to become slow on the database.

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Adblockers is blocking Ad Peeps
Adblockers is Content filtering software designed to block ads. Unfortunately 
Ad Peeps is a banner ad serving software. As such this software and updates 
MAY block our ads. 

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My Ad Peeps Statistics are HIGHER than my website counter.
When viewing your statistics, you may see that your impressions are more than your website 
visitors. Most time this is expected and can be clearly explained.

For the most part, website counters are counting "visitors" to your website. If the visit 1 or 10 
pages on your website -- typically they are counted as ONE visitor.

Ad Peeps and more ad rotators work differently as we are not trying to count your website 
visitors but how many times we display an individual ad to your website visitor.

Take this example:

If you have 2 web pages on your website and 2 banner ads on each page (top and bottom).

Let's then assume you have 5 visitors to your website.

Your website counter may tell you that you have had 5 visitors.

Ad Peeps would report that you had 20 impressions.

5 Visitors X 2 Pages X 2 Banners Per Page.

As you can see your Ad Peeps statistics will almost always be higher than your website statistics 
and that's expected.

You can view which users where showing you're ads too -- we're very transparent. Login and 
click the Magnifying glass next to Visitor Report on the Main Page

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